
Our Mission

       To promote the art of Chinese calligraphy by extending its appreciation and fostering high standards in Bay area. Calligraphy is the visual art form prized above all others in China. Practiced for more than five thousand years in China, it is also revered in Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Huafeng Calligraphy Art Association & Studio was established in 2010. 

        華風書法工作室旨在弘揚中華民族文化,普及中華書法,定期舉辦書法及中國文化相關活動, 開設從零基礎到創作各階段的成人及兒童書法課程,將中國書法和傳統文化介紹給灣區更多的人們。其書法教學在基本功訓練的同時注重書法的文化性和精神趣味,讓學生在學習與掌握中國書法的基本書寫規律和方法的同時,感受中華傳統文化的內涵與魅力。

About the teacher:

    Jin Feng has been practicing Chinese calligraphy for more than thirty years, and has ten years calligraphy teaching experience for children and adults. Jin is the member of Chinese Calligraphers’ Association. She has worked in all five major scripts of Chinese calligraphy, and her favorite ones are official script and regular script. Now residing in South Bay area of SF, Jin is active in local and regional art associations. She established Hufeng Calligraphy Association, a non-profit organization, in 2010 to ally the art of Chinese calligraphy by fostering high standards and extending appreciation. Jin also works with many local organizations, such as the Children's Discovery Museum, Hakone Gardens.  In 2008 and 2009, Jin was invited as one of the master calligraphers to do calligraphy demo in Oakland Asian Cultural Center. 

       Jin teaches calligraphy for both children and adults. Her students were the champions in different groups of “Chinese Star” calligraphy contest, organized by Confucius Institute at San Francisco State University, in both 2014 and 2015. 

教師介紹: 馮瑾 (Jin Feng),  中國書法家協會會員,舊金山中華藝術學會理事, 舊金山灣區書法教師。自幼習書,通五體,擅楷、隸。曾在中國國家、省、市各級書法比賽中獲獎。師從中國著名書法家、書法史論學者華人德先生。有十餘年書法教學經驗,現於舊金山南灣從事書法教學工作,教授成人、兒童書法。